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Our board applications for 2022 are now open, and it is time to reveal what happens behind the scenes. In this post, board members share their feelings about AIC, its operations, the application process, and the other board members.

Matias - Chair of the Board


Name: Matias Salonen

Role: Chair of the Board

Favourite AIC-memory: '21 board’s first cottage trip in January

How other board members describe Matias:

“Matias is like an eight-ball⁠—he knows everything. The puppet master! Under his leadership, our entire board has welded together, and we have built a great year together. And no wonder, because right from the first day, everybody has received a warm welcome. Matias always has a thousand irons in the fire, but he still manages to handle everything in an amazing way. Matias is the dream bachelor, a true gentleman and the perfect husband. Matias is always ready to listen to the concerns and sorrows of others. Matias is smart, logical, friendly, considerate, punctual and a great leader! A True grinder.”

What responsibilities do you have in AIC?:

"As the chair, I am responsible for facilitating and coordinating the activities of our association, and most importantly, I lead our amazing team. I am responsible for the long-term development of the association and for guiding our decision-making. More concretely, I do a lot of thought work, plan our activities, communicate with stakeholders, and prepare for our meetings. One of the big things about being a leader is supporting all board members and taking care of the well-being of everyone.”

What is the best thing about your role?:

“The best things about my role are the moments when I see our board members learn something new, develop and challenge themselves. It is rewarding to be able to help others succeed and enjoy what they do. Furthermore, I am grateful for the opportunity to learn new things about myself, leadership, and teamwork, every day. ”

How would you describe AIC in three words?:

“warm-hearted, genuine, passionate.”

What in AIC has surprised you?:

“I would never have believed how close each AIC board member has become to me and how big a part of my life AIC has become. We have spent a lot of time together with the current board, making us a close-knit group of friends that will last well into the future. ”

What kind of person would you recommend applying to AIC?:

“I recommend AIC for someone motivated to drive change and get things done, as well as an interest in building a unique student community for all Aalto University students. AIC is for people who are not only interested in investing but more broadly in global economic and societal issues. A perfect fit for AIC conveys authenticity, openness, motivation, and warmth. What you know about investing is irrelevant, all that matters is that you are a curious individual willing to learn.”

Matias’s greeting to applicants: 

“A year at AIC is a one-of-kind opportunity to do meaningful things with absolutely wonderful people. The year offers an opportunity to challenge oneself, learn a great deal, and leave one's mark on the Aalto community. If you want to be involved in making a real difference, challenging your thinking, and forming unique friendships, AIC is the place to apply.”

Rilla - Vice-chair of the Board


Name: Rilla Saukkonen

Role: Vice-chair of the Board

Favourite AIC-memory: Making an oven-baked omelette with Juho at AIC cottage and extempore night swimming after the anniversary party.

How other board members describe Rilla:

Rilla is a wizard of internal events. She takes care of our community and makes sure everyone, both board members and alumni, are having a good time. According to rumours, Rilla has a great sense of humour and unparalleled organizational skills. Rilla is always ready to help others and provide support, no matter what. Rilla is benevolent and kind-hearted. The best peer support. Rilla is determined, and her willingness to stand behind her values and opinions is admirable. Rilla is also always ready to defend others and the AIC. Rilla is respectful, wise, competent, friendly, helpful, and funny. True alpha. ”

What responsibilities do you have in AIC?:

“The most important responsibility of the Vice-chair is the community. I am responsible for our bi-weekly hangouts, cottage trips, alumni events, and all other informal togetherness. In addition to this, I am Matias' main partner in crime, meaning that I help in everything miscellaneous related to AIC. As a bonus, I am also the grammar granny of our team, i.e. I proofread almost every email sent to a partner or participant!”

What is the best thing about your role?:

“Organizing mystery activities ;)”

How would you describe AIC in three words?:

dear, rich in ideas, kind-hearted

Why did you decide to apply to AIC?:

“AIC seemed like a happy group of friends who have fun together and organize quality events together. I was ooking to get involved in activities not revolving around alcohol or parties, and in addition to good spirits, AIC met my criteria. Luckily I applied because AIC is all of these and even better!”

What has been the best thing about AIC?:

“The best part is that there is always a swimming buddy or extempore lunch club in this group, as well as sparring help for everything from job applications to school stuff or life problems in general!”

What kind of person would you recommend applying to AIC?:

“AIC is made up of people united by openness, community, and a desire to create something new and high quality to the delight of other students. We are an active association, meaning that being on the board is time-consuming, so if your calendar is already full, you should consider whether you have enough resources for AIC. If this description fits you, you would definitely be a great AIC board member.”

Rilla’s greeting to applicants:

“It’s wonderful that you are considering applying to AIC! Hope to see you soon in interviews, events, on campus, or even at Täffä's spaghetti! ” 

Lauriina - Head of Media & Marketing


Name: Lauriina Lindström

Role: Head of Media & Marketing

Favourite AIC-memory: “All the cottage trips”

This is how other board members describe Lauriina:

“Lauriina is a master of marketing, whose every post is like a touch of Midas. Kuopio's gift to the world. Because of Lauriina, I am convinced that all people from Kuopio are wonderful. Laurina has the most beautiful smile in the world, which disappears only in front of a giant burger… Simply the most endearing person in the world, who always gets a smile on the lips of others with 100% certainty. Lauriina also makes the best drinks and the best sheet pan nachos. A wonderful dialect. Lauriina is friendly, sunny, easy-going, witty, and most importantly, she is the most optimistic person you will meet. The pride of Jeda. ”

What responsibilities do you have in AIC?:

“At AIC, my main responsibilities are to design and publish all visual materials outside of AIC. So I am responsible for websites, emails and social media channels. My job is sometimes to be our own “influencer” if AIC has to be represented in Aalto University, for example.”

What is the best thing about your role?:

“The best thing about my role is being able to learn so much new about creating websites and emails—something I hadn’t been able to do before. After my years at AIC, I can say with confidence that I can create websites from scratch and manage social media channels and email marketing. I have also learned a great deal about organizing events and planning event marketing. The best thing about organizing events on interesting topics is that you meet and interact with many professionals in the field. I have also learned a lot about investing and the topics around it.”

How would you describe AIC in three words?:

“inspiring, friends, goal-oriented”

Why did you decide to apply to AIC?:

“I decided to apply for AIC because investing has interested me for a long time, and I wanted to learn more about it. AIC also caught my attention because I heard it was a new club, and I wanted to do cool and interesting stuff with great people. I also wanted to join a club where you could do something meaningful. ”

What has been the best thing about AIC?:

“AIC has exceeded all expectations. The best thing about AIC has been our amazing team.”

Lauriina’s greeting to applicants:

“If you are interested in investing, you should apply to AIC! You can do a lot with investing-related topics and at the same time enjoy the amazing company and spend your free time with wonderful people. AIC is a club where you can be yourself and meet great people.”

Rasmus - Treasurer & Head of IT


Name: Rasmus Räsänen

Role: Treasurer & Head of IT

Favourite AIC-memory: AIC-vappu (first of may)

How other board members describe Rasmus:

“Rasmus is the embodiment of multitasking, IT, budgeting, double degree, everything is taken care of. You can ask Rasmus how to sleep for eight hours in four hours. Despite everything, Rasmus is always positive and ready to help. I would trust my whole life in the hands of Rasmus. Rasmus is insanely considerate. Rasmus is also an excellent conversationalist and always ready to fight for others. Rasmus, the IT-Wizard, does things diligently from start to finish. Rasmus is hardworking, skilful, intelligent, caring, and thorough. Wizard."

What responsibilities do you have in AIC?:

Two of the 2019-20 roles were assigned to me, the Treasurer and the Head of IT, because they had had so little simultaneous work by then. While treasurer responsibilities are primarily focused on the turn of the year, such as budgeting and preparing financial statements, the IT responsibilities are continuous. As the treasurer, I also take care of cost control, receipts, and bank accounts. I also take part in bookkeeping purchases. In the IT role, I focus on building and developing our IT systems, because as a young club, we are constantly looking for better ways to work, communicate and grow. These tasks also include the upkeep of our email platform, services, websites, and other automation services. As Head of IT, it is possible to study, develop and implement changes together with the rest of the board.

Now, due to the challenges posed by COVID-19, every board member has had to stretch and learn something new. Thus, in IT, the execution of virtual events, such as various hybrid and webinar events, has been a new addition to the job description. Here, too, I was not facing the challenges alone, as many other board members provided help. And of course, supporting other board members in all issues related to AIC and more.” 

What is the best thing about your role?:

“The best part of the treasurer’s role is its predictability and regularity. It also allows me to influence every purchase we make. The role of Head of IT is crowned by its freedom and demandingness, requiring you to find solutions to arising problems, and in coming up with solutions, the sky is the limit. The absolute best thing was to pull these two complementary roles simultaneously because it has allowed me to learn and challenge myself even more. ”

How would you describe AIC in three words?:

“openness, enthusiasm, together”

Why did you decide to apply to AIC?:

I liked the idea of the association, and I saw how passionate and skilled the previous board was. I wanted to be involved in creating something new that I believe in.

” A world in which everyone knows how to make a difference by investing – both in their own lives and the world.”

– AIC Board ’21, vision ”

What kind of person would you recommend applying to AIC?:

“For a motivated Aalto University student. For real, if you are interested in investing and want to work towards making others know about it, then APPLY! (no prior investment knowledge required).”

Rasmus’s greeting to applicants:

“The board experience gives you as much as you are willing to give it, meaning that for such a young club, you have the freedom to develop and learn new stuff.

Be open, positive and most of all, yourself. Cheer and remember to respond to the application in peace! “

Juho - Head of Events & Corporate Relations


Name: Juho Tuuliainen

Role: Head of Events & Corporate Relations

Favourite AIC-memory: Board’s first cottage trib

This is how other board members describe Juho:

“Juho is 195 cm of pure gold! Juho will make you laugh and send the best memes as well as morning songs. Juho does not leave any room cold. Juho is a very skilled performer, and if Juho ever started a podcast, I would listen to all episodes 100%. Juho is a great salesman who would probably sell me, even my own socks. Juho is skilled, outgoing, and a great cheer for the day. Juho always manages to chat and advise others. If, at times, you don't believe in yourself, Juho will surely believe in you. Whenever Juho is near, people can not stop smiling. It is not possible to be in a bad mood with Juho. Above all, Juho is funny, funny, and funny. The tall leader."  

What responsibilities do you have in AIC?: 

"The Head of Corporate Relations & Events includes the following. I take care of our partner communication, negotiate the continuation of existing partnerships, and come up with new partnerships. I also always ensure the visibility of our partners wherever AIC goes. Similarly, for events, I am responsible for contacting the speakers and ensuring everything goes as planned. In addition to these, of course, I help everyone else in their tasks. "

What is the best thing about your role?:

"The best thing is definitely the new people. In my role, I get to know great people from different backgrounds. So while I get to find long-term partners as well as interesting speakers, I hear intriguing stories."

How would you describe AIC in three words?:

“such a great organization”

What kind of person would you recommend applying to AIC?:

“I recommend applying to AIC for anyone who has a feeling that they are ready to take on the challenge. You can learn everything (this is a good attitude to life anyway). The most important thing for the applicant is a genuine enthusiasm for what we do. However, I can list a few ideas that are good for the applicant to realize. First, it’s good to realize that AIC isn’t a traditional “party” club, but board members are genuinely doing things for our organization as well as the entire Aalto community. Therefore, if you want to apply to 3 other organizations in addition to AIC, your life can get very busy. Also, it’s good to realize that board members do a lot of things together. So if your passion is to do things alone, board work can be challenging.”

What would you tell someone who is whether to apply:

“Be yourself! AIC is NOT looking for people who have certain skills, interests, or career plans ready. The goal is to find different personalities with a twinkle in the corner of their eye and a good sense of doing. The worst thing you can do is think, "I can't apply because I don't know about investing." This is not an obstacle. ”

Juho’s greeting to applicants:

““If you’ve read this text so far, you’re definitely a potential applicant. So feel free to apply! If you want to know about something specific, about me or Aalto Investment Club, feel free to get in touch. You can find my contact information here, for example.

Janne - Head of Operations & Communications


Name: Janne Liu

Role: Head of Operations & Communications

Favourite AIC-memory: The first board cottage or the publication of a completely new kind of event concept, i.e. an investment game.

This is how other board members describe Janne:

”Janne is an operational engine for whom it is always important that everyone has fun. Janne is the most helpful guy in the world. Whether it's making a CV or helping you get the most out of appro, you always get the best tips from Janne. Janne knows everything about everything, but it still never shows it unnecessarily. No task or chore could not be taken care of by Janne. According to rumours, Janne can take power naps if necessary, even on the carpet or on the bus. Janne has a lot of good new thoughts and ideas, and of course, great communication skills! Janne is very knowledgeable, respectful, easy-going, funny, and wonderfully permissive. Our very own Masterchef and Style Guru. ”

What responsibilities do you have in AIC?:

“I actually have two responsibilities. My first responsibility is the operational responsibilities of our organization. I’m a bit of a “jack of all trades”, providing help to any of our members when necessary. More time-consuming has been my second responsibility: the shared responsibility for communication with me and the Head of Media, which is very important due to the event-oriented nature of our operations.”

What is the best thing about your role?:

“I have to admit, it’s hard to say. It’s best to be able to help other board members on various issues when needed, but I also really enjoy taking care of communication and information. Communicating about our events to outsiders is always inspiring, as it allows us to create new memories and moments for the participants of the event.”

How would you describe AIC in three words?:

”open, inspiring and friendly”

Why did you decide to apply to AIC?:

“I wanted to give back to the student community, from which I have received an awful lot myself. I knew that through AIC, I could take our student community forward the way I wanted. On top of that, the previous AIC board had a really good sprit and I wanted to experience something similar myself. ”

What has been the best thing about AIC?:

“Our board and alumni. Among our board, we have become a close-knit group of friends, and inspired each other to try new things. We have spent a lot of time outside of AIC.”

What kind of person would you recommend applying to AIC?:

“For a person who wants to take part in student activities, meet new people and thus build our school community.”

Janne’s greeting to applicants:

“APPLY! You won't lose anything by doing so. At the very least, you will learn more about yourself in the application process.”

Malla - Head of Brand & Publications


Name: Malla Messo

Role: Head of Brand & Publications

Favourite AIC-memory: AIC’s house appro (especially the plane game) and all the ice swims we have done together.

How other board members describe Malla:

“Malla is a visual communication kit equipped with a wheelbarrow full of empathy. If something goes wrong, Malla is there to listen and give great advice. Malla supports everyone and is always so good-hearted, wishing everyone all the best. The greatest thing that has ever come from Pori. Malla makes the best carrot cake. Young alpha. Malla is not afraid of anything, not even ice-cold water. Malla is wonderful in every way. Malla is thoughtful, friendly, efficient, hardworking, adaptable, easy-going, and fun. Seal among sea lions. A true gem. ”  

What responsibilities do you have in AIC?:

“My job is to take care of AIC’s brand and visual look. This includes, among other things, the creation of visual content for AIC's various channels (for example, event visuals, such as Facebook banners) together with our marketing manager Lauriina. Also, the event's visual look and decorations are my responsibility.

Another important area of responsibility is maintaining the AIC blog. In practice, I have the freedom to design and implement what is posted on the AIC blog. ”

What is the best thing about your role?:

“Versatility and creativity. My studies are quite analytical and math-heavy, so it’s been awesome to get to use my creativity when working on AIC stuff. It’s also been amazing how much I’ve learned. "

How would you describe AIC in three words?:

“warm-hearted, supportive, communal”

Why did you decide to apply to AIC?:

“A year ago, during my own orientation week, I talked with an old board member of AIC. I was really impressed with how genuine and warm-hearted the AICs seemed and how good a spirit they seemed to share with each other. I remember thinking that I would like to be a friend of these guys.

Luckily I did, because now a year later I can say that the person I talked to is a good friend of mine. <3 ”

What has been the best thing about AIC?:

“People, people and people! The AIC community is awesome and I am insanely grateful that through AIC, I have made a huge amount of new friends. It has been awesome to be able to share both successes and adversities with the most wonderful team in the world.

One of my absolute favourite things about the AIC community is that I have gotten to meet people from every year of studies. In AIC chat, you are guaranteed to get help or mentoring for any school or life-related issue in general.“

What in AIC has surprised you?: 

“Perhaps the biggest surprise has been how much freedom we have in developing our activities in the direction we want. AIC is a young organization, which means we don’t yet have deep-rooted traditions that limit what we can and cannot do. Because of this, there is always room for new ideas and ways of working, whether it is a new concept of events or a completely new kind of idea for internal activities. An excellent example of this is AIC’s very own sports club, which I co-founded with my predecessor Milja (this is not a paid ad;)).”

Malla’s greeting to applicants:

“I can’t help but recommend applying to AIC. I can honestly say that AIC is the best thing that has happened to me over the last year. In addition to learning quite a lot and getting to do cool stuff, I’ve got a whole new support network that I’m insanely grateful for! (AIC family best <3) ”

Board Application

AIC's board application is now open until Friday 1.10. If you have any questions about the AIC or the application process, feel free to contact a board member via Telegram, Facebook, LinkedIn or even Whatsapp. Contact information for all board members can be found here. We will be more than happy to answer all your questions! <3

(You may also want to read the thoughts from our alumni, Miikka, who was on AIC's last board, at the end of this blog post.)